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Fire protection and sound insulation

Flamro combines safety with comfort: our fire protection systems are additionally tested for soundproofing to ensure that fire protection and sound insulation requirements are met.

Walls and floors in buildings are subject to sound insulation requirements.
When installation and supply lines penetrate these building elements, they are not only weakened in terms of fire protection but also sound insulation. Flamro offers you tested penetration sealing systems that ensure fire protection and meet the characteristic values for structural sound insulation.

FLAMRO® penetration sealing systems for fire protection and sound insulation

System DG-SC cable firestop seal installed around cable penetrations in an example section of wall with fire protection filler.

System DG-SC

Cable sealing system

The separable pipe shells of the System Cable Tube surround various electrical lines in an example section of wall.

System Cable Tube

Cable tube sealing system

The Novasit BM mortar penetration sealing system is installed around various cables and pipes in a wall duct.

System Novasit BM

Mortar penetration seal

System Flammotect 1 x 60 mm mineral fibre board seal installed around pipe and cable penetrations in a wall cross-section.

System Flammotect 1 x 60 mm

Mixed penetration sealing systems

System Flammotect 2 x 50 mm mixed penetration sealing system seals cable and pipe penetrations in a wall segment.

System Flammotect 2 x 50 mm

Mixed penetration sealing systems

System Flammotect 2 x 60 mm mineral fibre board sealing system installed around various pipelines and cables in a wall profile.

System Flammotect 2 x 60 mm

Mixed penetration sealing systems

Several fire protection pillows of the System BK-N laid on top of each other seal a cable tray with various electrical cables in a wall penetration.

System BK-N

Pillow sealing system

What role does the sound reduction index play in fire protection and sound insulation?

Penetration seals often do not meet the sound reduction index required for the building element. However, the seals usually only account for a small part of the surface area. Consequently, the somewhat lower sound reduction index of the penetration seal only has a minor impact, as the overall sound reduction index is made up of the sound reduction indexes of the individual areas.

The sound reduction index Rw refers to the airborne sound insulation performance of a building element. If a wall is constructed, for example, the sound reduction index plays an important role in ensuring that the sound insulation in buildings meets the requirements of standards. To ensure sound insulation in apartment buildings, office buildings, hospitals, schools, childcare facilities, or hotels, particular sound reduction index values must be adhered to.

FLAMRO® penetration sealing systems have therefore been tested with regard to their sound insulation properties by accredited testing institutes in standardised test procedures. To this end, unoccupied penetration seals and penetration seals with different configurations (pipes, cables, cable bundles, or cable support systems) have been tested.

Schallschutzwand mit Novasit COMBI 90 Mörtelschott

Sound insulation in composite surfaces

Composite surfaces of two components:

1. Plastered sand lime brick wall
(Bulk density class 1.8)
Wall thickness = 175 mm
Weighted sound reduction index (Rw) = 51 dB

2. Novasit BM System
(Dry bulk density ≥ 900 kg/m³)
Seal thickness = 150 mm
Weighted sound reduction index (Rw) = 42 dB
Penetration seals often do not achieve the sound reduction index of the actual total surface area without the penetration (Rw = 51 dB). However, the seals usually only account for a small part of the total surface area. Consequently, the somewhat lower sound reduction index of the penetration seal (Rw = 42 dB) only has a minor impact, as the overall sound reduction index is made up of the sound reduction indexes of the individual areas.

In the outlined case, using the Novasit BM mortar sealing system only reduces the sound insulation of the total surface area by 1 dB.

Do you have questions on penetration sealing systems with sound insulation? Please contact us.

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